Good news everyone! Nearest meeting is planned for the 3rd of October 2013 (Thursday)! It starts at 18:00. The venue is Base office that is at ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5/4, Kraków
Great atmosphere, interesting talks, fine snacks and beverages are all guaranteed! Come and join us!
As for now there are two presentations planned.
- Shipping Code
- Antek Piechnik
- It's null till you ship it. This is our motto here at Base. In this talk I'll guide you through how by killing processes, deadlines, estimates and meetings, we managed to build a world-class startup, implement a full-fledged SOA architecture, how we managed our growth and how we maintain a stable product while deploying to production around 20 times a day, how we ship code, work hard and stay happy.
- Python - practices you should know and avoid
- Kuba Paczkowski
- How not to write Python code if your coworkers were serial killers who know where you live.
Above that, traditionally there is open stage for lightning talks.

The sponsor and host for that meeting is Base.
Frustrated by our own experience with other CRMs, we founded Base believing that businesses deserve better, smarter, more intuitive software. Tens of thousands of customers later, we continue to lead the Post-PC revolution with a product that makes our customers 10x more productive.
Mam miłe wieści. Najbliższe spotkanie odbędzie się już 3. października 2013 (czwartek) w siedzibie Base (ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5/4, Kraków). Zaczynamy o 18:00.
Oprócz niezwykłej atmosfery oraz ciekawych prezentacji gwarantowane są, jak zwykle, przekąski i napoje! Dołącz do nas!
Jak na razie mamy w planie dwie prezentacje.
- Shipping Code
- Antek Piechnik
- It's null till you ship it. This is our motto here at Base. In this talk I'll guide you through how by killing processes, deadlines, estimates and meetings, we managed to build a world-class startup, implement a full-fledged SOA architecture, how we managed our growth and how we maintain a stable product while deploying to production around 20 times a day, how we ship code, work hard and stay happy.
- Python - praktyki o których dobrze wiedzieć, żeby ich nie stosować
- Kuba Paczkowski
- O tym, czego nie robić w pythonie, żeby osoby przejmujące kod nie chciały Cię obedrzeć ze skóry.
Oprócz tego, tradycyjnie już mamy zaplanowaną przestrzeń dla lightning talków.

Sponsorem oraz gospodarzem kolejnego spotkania będzie Base.
Frustrated by our own experience with other CRMs, we founded Base believing that businesses deserve better, smarter, more intuitive software. Tens of thousands of customers later, we continue to lead the Post-PC revolution with a product that makes our customers 10x more productive.
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