wtorek, 1 grudnia 2015

Pykonik #28 Tech Talks Meetup

Once again, we are going to have Tech Talks Meetup! It is on 15th of December 2015. The start is planned for 18:30. Our venue is Tech Space (ul. Leona Wyczółkowskiego 7, Kraków).
Although the announcement is in English don't hesitate to give a Lightning Talk in Polish! If there are no non-Polish speaking foreigners we will probably switch to Polish.
A Lightning Talk is a short presentation (about 5 minutes long) that does not require much preparation and may be given without too many slides (or even without any). Think of them as cinematic trailers for interesting topics or condensed tech talks.


Details should be announced soon.
The draft is as follows:
18:30 - 18:50 - Networking and Intro
18:50 - 20:20 - Three 20 to 30-minute technical and pythonic talks
20:00 - 20:30 - Lightning Talks
20:30 - Afterparty (in Tech Space)


#1 Condemned to re-invent SQL, poorly - Michał Lowas-Rzechonek
Praktycznie każda aplikacja webowa używa jakiejś relacyjnej bazy danych,
zazwyczaj za pośrednictwem ORMa. Używanie frameworku nie znaczy jednak,
że możemy kompletnie nie ogarniać co dzieje się "pod maską" naszej
Django ma bardzo wygodny ORM, więc nieświadomość mechanizmów działania
bazy danych "kusi" szczególnie. Z tego powodu przedstawię parę
użytecznych technik ze świata baz danych, które są trudno osiągalne w
Djangowym ORMie, a jednocześnie niezwykle przydatne w tworzeniu
nietrywialnych programów.

Michał 'Khorne' Lowas-Rzechonek od 12 lat programuje szeroko pojęte
aplikacje serwerowe, back-endy i urządzenia embedded. Z tego powodu nie
pozwalają mu dotykać UI. Uważa, że historia zatacza koło a branża IT co
20 lat na nowo wymyśla LISPa. Sam nie wie czemu zajmuje się Pythonem,
skoro prawdziwi mężczyźni piszą tylko w ANSI C.

#2 Managing the chaos - Gitflow + Vagrant + Ansible - Jakub Wasielak
Załóżmy, że napisanie jednej części kodu przez jedną osobę wynosi x czasu. Czy w takim razie dwie osoby ten sam kod powinny napisać dwa razy krótszym czasie? A dziesięć osób w 0.1x? Byłoby pięknie, ale tak nie jest. Nawet przy optymistycznym założeniu okaże się, że zwiększając ilość programistów, zwiększamy czas potrzebny na rozwiązanie danego problemu. Jak więc poradzić sobie z tym paradoksem?
W trakcie prezentacji o porządkowaniu chaosu chcę poruszyć takie tematy, jak organizacja środowiska oraz metody pracy. Zaproponuję rozwiązanie, w którym każdy developer jedną komendą ustawi lokalne środowisko, gdzie konflikt w trakcie merge'u jest rzadkością, a więcej czasu niż deploy produkcyjny zajmuje zrobienie sobie kawy.
Jakub Wasielak: Programista Python z doświadczeniem w rozwijaniu aplikacji webowych - głównie przy użyciu Django. Obecnie zatrudniony w firmie YouGov. W wolnym czasie fan fantasy i larpów, koordynator zlotu miłośników fantastyki Fornost.

Let's assume, that writing a part of code by one person takes x hours. If so, should two developers write the same code in half of the time? And ten developers in 0.1 of x? That would be beautiful, but unfortunately it is not. Even with the best efforts having additional people in project would result in taking longer time to solve the problem. So how should we deal with it?
During the presentation about managing the chaos I would like to teach, how to set up your working environment with Gitflow, Vagrant and Ansible. I will propose a solution where each developer can setup local instance of project with one commend, where merge conflicts are really rare and the production deployment takes less time than making yourself a cup of coffee.

Jakub Wasielak - Python Programmer with experience in developing web services - especially using Django. Currently developing for company YouGov. In free time fantasy lover, organizer of larp convention Fornost.

#3 Dispelling py.test magic - Tomek Paczkowski
This short talk will look under the hood of how py.test uses assertion statement rewriting to give users a better, more pythonic testing experience. (http://www.pyconuk.org/talks/dispelling-pytest-magic/)
 Tomek is programmer with almost a decade of experience in writing web application in dynamic languages, mostly Python. Apart from writing code he organises Python conferences and sprints. After living in Kraków for 8 years, he now stays in London, where he enjoys local cuisine and clean air. Loves good code, good books and good games.

Lightning Talks

You can email us to call for lightning talk (5 minutes) or just do it during this event.

#1 Type Hinting in Python 3.5: is our beloved snake becoming Java? - Michał Wysokiński
Slides: http://bit.ly/22wz9vM

Register and follow us for updates

In order to help us prepare better for the event please register at Pykonik #28 Tech Talks Meetup. We also strongly encourage to follow Pykonik on Twitter and Facebook!

środa, 24 czerwca 2015

27# Tech Talks Meetup, 8th of July 2015

After quite a long break, we have Tech Talks Meetup again! It is on 8th of July. The start is planned for 18:30. Our venue is Tech Space (ul. Leona Wyczółkowskiego 7, Kraków).

Please help us prepare better and register at j.mp/krk-py-tech-talks-27.

For now the plan is that longer scheduled talks will be in English. If there are no non-Polish speaking foreigners we will probably switch to Polish.

Although the announcement is in English don't hesitate to give a Lightning Talk in Polish!


18:30 - 18:50 - Networking and Intro

18:50 - 19:20 - Jacek Nosal: Write code that you won't hate. Few words on metaclasses, descriptors and context managers.

19:25 - 19:55 - Krzysztof Mędrela: Cython -- compile to C instead of Python bytecode

How to speed up Python program by 50% in 5 minutes, without changing code base? How to integrate Python with C and C++ and not to work very hard? How to deliver binary .exe instead of source code in .py files? How to achieve plain C speed without coding in C? The answer is simple: Cython (based on Pyrex) -- Python programming language extended with C capabilities. All these problems can be easily fixed thanks to a unique feature of Cython -- it compiles to C instead of bytecode.

20:00 - 20:30 - Lightning Talks A Lightning Talk is a short presentation (about 5 minutes long) that does not require much preparation and may be given without too many slides. Think of them as cinematic trailers for interesting topics or condensed tech talks.

20:30 - Afterparty (in Tech Space)

piątek, 12 czerwca 2015

We are now on Meetup and we are having Coding Dojo #8 soon

We are now on Meetup.com!

In short: we recently decided to join many Kraków based tech groups and initiatives and set up an account on Meetup.com. Make sure to join other Pythonistas there.

What is a Coding Dojo?
tl;dr: We invite you to come and learn Python by coding with us!
Register at http://www.meetup.com/Pykonik/events/223195884/!

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together ondeliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, PairProgramming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologiestogether with other people.
It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.
All skill levels are welcome.
In the very first minutes we will give a brief introductionexplaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.
Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one moredistraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...
Important things to keep in mind: Continuous learning, Safe environment, No competition, Collaboration, Inclusive, Failure and redundancy, Baby steps
Objectives: Practice, Learn, Teach, Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)
What NOT to do: Rush to finish the problem, Work on somebody’s "real life" problem, Flamewars, Compete with other participants, Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the  code base
At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectivelywhat we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And afterthat, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.
Printbox (http://getprintbox.com/) kindly offers us their office space for avenue and provides snacks.
Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photoproduct business. 
Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a completepackage containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding,beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF filegenerator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored toaccommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

wtorek, 9 czerwca 2015

Codepot, 100% workshop conference

tl;dr Codepot to konferencja składająca się w 100% z warsztatów; jesteśmy ich partnerem; Call4Papers: https://codepot.pl/call-for-papers

Codepot.pl chce zrobić święto dla developerów, wydarzenie który każdy będzie dobrze wspominał. Chcemy współpracować z najlepszymi społecznościami w całej Polsce (ale i na całym świecie! :), zaprosić osoby potrafiące przygotować wciągające warsztaty (zapraszamy do zgłąszania się na https://codepot.pl/call-for-papers ) i dodać do tego niesamowitą atmosferę. Nasza konferencja odbędzie się 28-29 sierpnia na SWPS, będzie miała charakter warsztatowy.

Jest przeznaczona dla wszystkich, którzy są w jakikolwiek sposób związani z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania. Będzie płatna ale symbolicznie, w celu motywowania przychodzia ludzi na warsztaty. Konferencja składa się z 72 warsztatów prowadzonych przez ekspertów. Zapraszamy około 350 uczestników. Każdego dnia uczestnik będzie mógł wziąć udział w dwóch dogłębnych warsztatach technicznych. Po przerwie obiadowej przewidywane są warsztaty zwane miękkimi, tak żeby na kolejny warsztat techniczny przyjść zrelaksowanym i wypoczętym.

Pykonik jest partnerem codepot.pl. Zapraszamy Was do składania Call4Papers. Jak tylko ruszy rejestracja otrzymamy kody zniżkowe, dzięki czemu będzie można kupić bilet w cenie 79zł.

poniedziałek, 11 maja 2015

Pykonik Coding Dojo #7

What is a Coding Dojo?

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together on deliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, Pair Programming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologies together with other people.

It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.

All skill levels are welcome.

When and where

21st of May, 2015 — 18:30 at Printbox, Rynek Główny 17, Kraków

Please register at: http://pydojo-krk-may-2015.eventbrite.com

In the very first minutes we will give a brief introduction explaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.

Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one more distraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...

A bit of context

It all began with the question "why programmers do not practice?" If you look at high performance athletes, you’ll realize that they practice everyday in order to stay sharp at what they do. Think about runners, swimmers, fighters, and even chess players.

Communities of coding dojos have been formed around the world. A well known group started meeting in Paris in 2004. In 2008, a coding dojo was born in Rio de Janeiro - with non-stop meetings every week since then.

Now we want to bring a coding dojo environment to Pykonik meetings in Kraków.


The two most common formats to run a coding dojo are kata and randori.

In a kata, someone comes to the meeting to demonstrate to the audience the steps how to solve some problem, and the audience should leave the dojo being able to reproduce the solution. It’s kind of a demo... it’s good but it can be better.

In a randori, we have one single computer and projector, and a pair works on time-boxed turns (5~7 min). After each turn, someone from the audience replaces one from the pair and the dynamic continues. That’s the format we’re going to use.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Continuous learning
  • Safe environment
  • No competition
  • Collaboration
  • Inclusive
  • Failure and redundancy
  • Baby steps


  • Practice
  • Learn
  • Teach
  • Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)

What NOT to do:

  • Rush to finish the problem
  • Work on somebody’s "real life" problem
  • Flamewars
  • Compete with other participants
  • Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the code base

At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectively what we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And after that, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.


Printbox kindly offers us their office space for a venue and provides snacks.

Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photo product business.

Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a complete package containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding, beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF file generator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored to accommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

poniedziałek, 13 kwietnia 2015

Pykonik Coding Dojo #6

What is a Coding Dojo?

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together on deliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, Pair Programming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologies together with other people.

It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.

All skill levels are welcome.

When and where

23rd of April, 2015 — 18:30 at Printbox, Rynek Główny 17, Kraków

Please register at: http://pydojo-krk-apr-2015.eventbrite.com

In the very first minutes we will give a brief introduction explaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.

Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one more distraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...

A bit of context

It all began with the question "why programmers do not practice?" If you look at high performance athletes, you’ll realize that they practice everyday in order to stay sharp at what they do. Think about runners, swimmers, fighters, and even chess players.

Communities of coding dojos have been formed around the world. A well known group started meeting in Paris in 2004. In 2008, a coding dojo was born in Rio de Janeiro - with non-stop meetings every week since then.

Now we want to bring a coding dojo environment to Pykonik meetings in Kraków.


The two most common formats to run a coding dojo are kata and randori.

In a kata, someone comes to the meeting to demonstrate to the audience the steps how to solve some problem, and the audience should leave the dojo being able to reproduce the solution. It’s kind of a demo... it’s good but it can be better.

In a randori, we have one single computer and projector, and a pair works on time-boxed turns (5~7 min). After each turn, someone from the audience replaces one from the pair and the dynamic continues. That’s the format we’re going to use.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Continuous learning
  • Safe environment
  • No competition
  • Collaboration
  • Inclusive
  • Failure and redundancy
  • Baby steps


  • Practice
  • Learn
  • Teach
  • Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)

What NOT to do:

  • Rush to finish the problem
  • Work on somebody’s "real life" problem
  • Flamewars
  • Compete with other participants
  • Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the code base

At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectively what we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And after that, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.


Printbox kindly offers us their office space for a venue and provides snacks.

Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photo product business.

Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a complete package containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding, beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF file generator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored to accommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

środa, 1 kwietnia 2015

Python Dojo - Team Swap Exercise

Czym jest Python Dojo?

Coding Dojo jest doskonałą okazją dla każdego programisty, aby w praktyce zobaczyć jak pracują inni. Poprzez kooperację i wspólne rozwiązywanie problemów każdy uczestnik Dojo ma szansę zyskać nowe doświadczenie.

Co będziemy robić?

Z powodu formy tego Dojo zachęcamy, żeby uczestnicy przynieśli ze sobą własne laptopy. Z oczywistych powodów będzie maksymalnie tyle drużyn, ile komputerów pojawi się na Dojo.

Na początku podzielimy się na drużyny. Każda z drużyn będzie rozwiązywać ten sam problem w czterech dwudziestominutowych turach. Zadanie do wykonania zostanie starannie przygotowane tak, aby osoby na różnym poziomie umiejętności programistycznych dały sobie z nim radę. Oczywiście w trakcie całego trwania Dojo na sali znajdą się osoby chętne do pomocy - spotykamy się po to, żeby się uczyć, nie konkurować.

Po każdej rundzie jedna z osób, które zaczynały pracę w danej drużynie będzie przechodzić do kolejnej. Dzięki temu do zadania zostanie wprowadzona dynamika oraz możliwość pracy z jak największą ilością osób. Dokładne zasady zostaną przedstwione w trakcie spotkania.

Kiedy i gdzie?

Coding Dojo odbędzie się 9 kwietnia w siedzibie firmy Grand Parade, Smoleńsk 29, pierwsze piętro.

Plan spotkania:
18:30 - 19:00 - wstęp, przedstawienie zasad oraz zadania
19:00 - 19:45 - programowanie w drużynach
19:45 - 20:00 - przerwa
20:00 - 20:45 - programowanie w drużynach
20:45 - 21:15 - prezentacja przedstawionych rozwiązań
21:15 - 21:30 - retrospektywa
A na końcu wspólne wyjście na piwo :)


Żeby ułatwić nam przygotowanie do spotkania proszę zarejestruj się na https://www.eventbrite.com/e/python-dojo-team-swap-exercise-tickets-16410452104.

Do zapamiętania

W trakcie spotkania ważne jest, żeby przez cały czas pamiętać o jego prawdziwym celu. Nie chodzi nam o to, żeby pokazać jak świetnymi programistami jesteśmy (tzn. nie tylko o to). Celem nie jest nawet rozwiązanie problemu. Najważniejsze, co można wynieść z Dojo, to nowe doświadczenie.

Pamiętajmy więc o zachowaniu:

  • ciągłej nauki (continuous learning)
  • środowiska bezpiecznego dla nowych osób (safe environment)
  • atmosfery braku niezdrowej rywalizacji
  • współpracy
  • wyciągania wniosków z porażek
  • poruszania się małymi krokami (baby steps)

Naszymi celami jest:

  • ćwiczenie
  • nauka
  • nauczanie
  • dyskusja

Unikajmy natomiast:

  • pośpiechu w rozwiazaniu problemu (problem nie musi być nawet rozwiązany tak długo, jak jego twórcy czegoś się nauczyli)
  • spierania się o to, czyje rozwiąznie jest najlepsze
  • rywalizacji
  • zapomnienia o członku drużyny - każdy w drużynie jest tak samo ważny, czy osoba która programuje zawodowo od 10 lat, czy osoba która dzień wcześniej w nocy obejrzała pierwszy tutorial Pythona


Grand Parade ugości wszystkich uczestników w swoim biurze oraz dostarczy przekąski i napoje

Grand Parade jest dynamicznie rozwijającą się firmą zajmującą się tworzeniem serwisów sportowych i bettingowych dla największych graczy. Od 2009 roku firma wypuściła dziesiątki produktów, które do tej pory istnieją na rynku. Od początku istnienia Grand Parade korzysta z Pythona i Django.

środa, 11 marca 2015

Pykonik Coding Dojo #5

What is a Coding Dojo?

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together on deliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, Pair Programming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologies together with other people.

It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.

All skill levels are welcome.

When and where

March 19th, 2015 — 18:30 at Printbox, Rynek Główny 17, Kraków

Please register at: http://pydojo-krk-mar-2015.eventbrite.com

In the very first minutes we will give a brief introduction explaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.

Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one more distraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...

A bit of context

It all began with the question "why programmers do not practice?" If you look at high performance athletes, you’ll realize that they practice everyday in order to stay sharp at what they do. Think about runners, swimmers, fighters, and even chess players.

Communities of coding dojos have been formed around the world. A well known group started meeting in Paris in 2004. In 2008, a coding dojo was born in Rio de Janeiro - with non-stop meetings every week since then.

Now we want to bring a coding dojo environment to Pykonik meetings in Kraków.


The two most common formats to run a coding dojo are kata and randori.

In a kata, someone comes to the meeting to demonstrate to the audience the steps how to solve some problem, and the audience should leave the dojo being able to reproduce the solution. It’s kind of a demo... it’s good but it can be better.

In a randori, we have one single computer and projector, and a pair works on time-boxed turns (5~7 min). After each turn, someone from the audience replaces one from the pair and the dynamic continues. That’s the format we’re going to use.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Continuous learning
  • Safe environment
  • No competition
  • Collaboration
  • Inclusive
  • Failure and redundancy
  • Baby steps


  • Practice
  • Learn
  • Teach
  • Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)

What NOT to do:

  • Rush to finish the problem
  • Work on somebody’s "real life" problem
  • Flamewars
  • Compete with other participants
  • Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the code base

At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectively what we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And after that, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.


Printbox kindly offers us their office space for a venue and provides snacks.

Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photo product business.

Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a complete package containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding, beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF file generator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored to accommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

piątek, 20 lutego 2015

March Meeting | Spotkanie marcowe


When? Where?

Shortly after fourth edition of Pykonik Coding Dojo we are having a meeting with talks.

It is on 4th of March 2015 at Base Lab, ul. Leona Wyczółkowskiego 7, Kraków, Poland The meeting starts at 18:30.


  • 18:30 - 18:45 - warmup and intro
  • 18:45 - 19:15 - Composing WSGI apps and spellchecking it all - Rodolfo Carvalho
  • 19:20 - 19:50 - pipetools - Krzysztof Mędrela
  • 20:00 - 20:30 - aiohttp - Tomasz Kwiecień
  • 20:40 - 21:00 - lightning talks
  • 21:00 - end of the official part


To help us better prepare for the event please register at: http://pykonik-feb-2015.eventbrite.com


Base Lab kindly offers us their office space for a venue and provides beer, snacks, and beverages.

Base Lab - we're building the future of business software. Learn more about world-class Python hacking here: http://py.getbase.com.


Gdzie i kiedy?

Spotkanie zaczyna się 18:30, 4. marca 2015 w biurze Base Lab, ul. Leona Wyczółkowskiego 7, Kraków, Poland


  • 18:30 - 18:45 - rozgrzewka i wprowadzenie
  • 18:45 - 19:15 - Composing WSGI apps and spellchecking it all - Rodolfo Carvalho
  • 19:20 - 19:50 - pipetools - Krzysztof Mędrela
  • 20:00 - 20:30 - aiohttp - Tomasz Kwiecień
  • 20:40 - 21:00 - lightning talks
  • 21:00 - zakończenie części oficjalnej


Żeby pomóc nam lepiej przygotować się do spotkania proszę zarejestruj się na: http://pykonik-feb-2015.eventbrite.com


Base Lab udostępnia nam swoje biuro oraz zapewnia piwo, napoje i przekąski.

Base Lab - we're building the future of business software. Learn more about world-class Python hacking here: http://py.getbase.com.

wtorek, 10 lutego 2015

Pykonik Coding Dojo #4

What is a Coding Dojo?

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together on deliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, Pair Programming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologies together with other people.

It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.

All skill levels are welcome.

When and where

February 19th, 2015 — 18:30 at Printbox, Rynek Główny 17, Kraków

Please register at: http://pydojo-krk-feb-2015.eventbrite.com

In the very first minutes we will give a brief introduction explaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.

Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one more distraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...

A bit of context

It all began with the question "why programmers do not practice?" If you look at high performance athletes, you’ll realize that they practice everyday in order to stay sharp at what they do. Think about runners, swimmers, fighters, and even chess players.

Communities of coding dojos have been formed around the world. A well known group started meeting in Paris in 2004. In 2008, a coding dojo was born in Rio de Janeiro - with non-stop meetings every week since then.

Now we want to bring a coding dojo environment to Pykonik meetings in Kraków.


The two most common formats to run a coding dojo are kata and randori.

In a kata, someone comes to the meeting to demonstrate to the audience the steps how to solve some problem, and the audience should leave the dojo being able to reproduce the solution. It’s kind of a demo... it’s good but it can be better.

In a randori, we have one single computer and projector, and a pair works on time-boxed turns (5~7 min). After each turn, someone from the audience replaces one from the pair and the dynamic continues. That’s the format we’re going to use.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Continuous learning
  • Safe environment
  • No competition
  • Collaboration
  • Inclusive
  • Failure and redundancy
  • Baby steps


  • Practice
  • Learn
  • Teach
  • Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)

What NOT to do:

  • Rush to finish the problem
  • Work on somebody’s "real life" problem
  • Flamewars
  • Compete with other participants
  • Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the code base

At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectively what we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And after that, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.


Printbox kindly offers us their office space for a venue and provides snacks.

Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photo product business.

Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a complete package containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding, beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF file generator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored to accommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

środa, 14 stycznia 2015

Pykonik Coding Dojo #3

What is a Coding Dojo?

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together on deliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, Pair Programming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologies together with other people.

It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.

All skill levels are welcome.

When and where

January 22nd, 2015 — 18:30 at Printbox, Rynek Główny 17, Kraków

Please register at: http://pydojo-krk-jan-2015.eventbrite.com

In the very first minutes we will give a brief introduction explaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.

Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one more distraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...

A bit of context

It all began with the question "why programmers do not practice?" If you look at high performance athletes, you’ll realize that they practice everyday in order to stay sharp at what they do. Think about runners, swimmers, fighters, and even chess players.

Communities of coding dojos have been formed around the world. A well known group started meeting in Paris in 2004. In 2008, a coding dojo was born in Rio de Janeiro - with non-stop meetings every week since then.

Now we want to bring a coding dojo environment to Pykonik meetings in Kraków.


The two most common formats to run a coding dojo are kata and randori.

In a kata, someone comes to the meeting to demonstrate to the audience the steps how to solve some problem, and the audience should leave the dojo being able to reproduce the solution. It’s kind of a demo... it’s good but it can be better.

In a randori, we have one single computer and projector, and a pair works on time-boxed turns (5~7 min). After each turn, someone from the audience replaces one from the pair and the dynamic continues. That’s the format we’re going to use.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Continuous learning
  • Safe environment
  • No competition
  • Collaboration
  • Inclusive
  • Failure and redundancy
  • Baby steps


  • Practice
  • Learn
  • Teach
  • Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)

What NOT to do:

  • Rush to finish the problem
  • Work on somebody’s "real life" problem
  • Flamewars
  • Compete with other participants
  • Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the code base

At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectively what we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And after that, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.


Printbox kindly offers us their office space for a venue and provides snacks.

Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photo product business.

Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a complete package containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding, beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF file generator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored to accommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.