czwartek, 24 listopada 2016

Pykonik Tech Talks #30 - November 29, 2016


We are going to have next Tech Talks Meetup on 29th of November 2016.

Event will be hosted at Artefakt Cafe like last Tech Talks meetup.

Check meetup announcment at

During the meeting you would listen about:

  • "Python Packaging ProTips"  by Bryan Deeney - YouGov, plc.

    Historically, Python packaging has been a source of significant pain for even the most devoted Python enthusiasts.  The good news, though,is that things are getting better!  In this talk, I'll provide a quick overview of the current state of Python packaging tools.  Then I'll share examples of how you can use the features of the Setuptools library to make developing, testing, and distributing your Python packages easier.  Finally, I'll demonstrate how "pip-tools" can help you generate stable, repeatable builds and save you from dependency hell.
  • Michał Lowas-Rzeszonek - "Dane binarne w Pythonie"

  • Języki skryptowe takie jak Python postrzegane są jako doskonałe narzędzie do przetwarzania tekstu. Napotykamy jednak na pewną rezerwę w momencie kiedy zaczynamy mieć do czynienia z binarkami, które "tradycyjnie" przetwarza się w C.W czasie prezentacji postaram się pokazać, że binarki w Pythonie wcale nie gryzą... co nie znaczy, że ogarnianie wskaźników i Indian nie jest pomocne!

Meetup will consist of two 30 minutes presentations, lightning talks session  and beer/networking time after that.

If you feel you can present something interesting, please email your proposals to

See you!

poniedziałek, 10 października 2016

Pykonik Open Space #3 - 20 października 2016


Zapraszamy na trzecią odsłonę pykonikowych open space'ów. Niespełna tydzień po PyCon PL '16, który zapewne przyniesie kilka inspiracji / tematów do rozmów.

Tym razem zaczniemy od krótkiej prezentacji, którą wygłosi Asia Lindsay z

18:30 - How Freelancing and Remote Work is Changing the World  

Abstrakt: Asia will talk about the future of work. She expands on the benefits of remote work, how it helps women and minorities and has created a new trend of empowerment and engagement around the world. Follow her on her journey from working at TED in New York to leading the Europe community at Toptal. 

Następnie 2 lub 3 półgodzinne sesje open space.

Dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie widzą, lub zapomnieli - Co to jest "Open Space"?

Jest to metoda angażowania grup ludzi do wspólnej wymiany myśli, wiedzy, doświadczeń i pomysłów. Polega to na tym, że każdy może zaproponować temat i otworzyć dyskusję, a pozostali uczestnicy dołączają do tematu, który ich najbardziej interesuje.

Daj nam znać na meetupie

Do zobaczenia!

poniedziałek, 5 września 2016

Pykonik Starter 16/17 - September 7, 2016

Hello after long break/summer holidays!

Pykonik is ready for next season.
Let's meet and talk what we (Pykonik community) gonna do next year.
Event will be hosted at Artefakt Cafe like last Tech Talks meetup.

Standard Talks:
1. Przemek Lewandowski - Mechanizm uwierzytelnienia dla twojego API 
Na pewno niejednokrotnie zastanawiałeś się jaki mechanizm uwierzytelnienia powinno wspierać API, które właśnie budujesz. W prezentacji przedstawię różne sposoby uwierzytelniania klienta API. Pokażę sposób działania poszczególnych rozwiązań oraz opowiem o zaletach i wadach każdego z nich.

Lightning Talks: 
1. Marysia Lowas-Rzechonek - Django Girls

If you want to give speech, contact us at or directly on the meeting.

Please register at

Sponsor is a team of passionate consultants and programmers. Since 2011 we help our clients running and scaling their businesses.

We specialize in tailored web applications. There's something uncommon about us, we actually do test our code, put an impact on quality in development process, write clean code and deploy frequently.

See you!

wtorek, 28 czerwca 2016

Meetup 29th June 2016 18:30 Artefakt Café | Sétka Sztuki Dajwór 3, Kraków

We are going to have next Tech Talks Meetup on 29th of June 2016.

During the meeting you would listen about:

Michał Lowas-Rzechonek - "Zrób sobie asnycio"

Jak to jest, że komputery potrafią robić dwie rzeczy na raz? Co to jest context switch, pętla zdarzeń i reaktor? Co do tego mają generatory i czemu wszyscy podniecają się konstrukcją `yield from`? Na te i inne pytanie postaram się odpowiedzieć implementując "na kolanie" prosty serwer TCP korzystający z koncepcji użytych w bibliotece asyncio. To nie jest talk o asyncio, ale o tym jak główna pętla działa "pod maską".

Michał Wysokiński - "Wydajne i oszczędne zarządzanie chmurą AWS za pomocą Pythona"

Chmury pozwalają na zarządzanie infrastrukturą w szybki, wygodny i wydajny sposób. Dzięki nim mamy praktycznie nieograniczony dostęp do mocy obliczeniowej, która w danej chwili jest nam potrzebna. Taka wygoda jest jednak dosyć kosztowna, dlatego przy zarządzaniu chmurą, optymalizacja kosztów staje się jednym z kluczowych zagadnień. W trakcie prezentacji opowiem jak robić to w pełni automatycznie, łatwo i przyjemnie z pomocą naszego ulubionego węża.

Meetup will consist of three 20 minutes presentations, lightning talks session and beer/networking time after that. So... there is still one slot free!

If you feel you can present something interesting, please email your proposals to

See you! More info here:

czwartek, 19 maja 2016

Pykonik Open Space #2 - 2 czerwca 2016


Kto był i pamięta pierwsze spotkanie z tej serii wie, że warto ją kontynuować. Kto nie był będzie miał okazję przekonać się niedługo. Zapraszamy na drugi odcinek Open Space!

Co to jest "Open Space"?
Jest to metoda angażowania grup ludzi do wspólnej wymiany myśli, wiedzy, doświadczeń i pomysłów. Polega to na tym, że każdy może zaproponować temat i otworzyć dyskusję, a pozostali uczestnicy dołączają do tematu, który ich najbardziej interesuje.

Startujemy o 18:30. Na początek wprowadzenie, kwestie organizacyjne i czas na zapisanie tematów do dyskusji, następnie 2 lub 3 półgodzinne sesje.

Daj znać czy się wybierasz na meetupie: :)

Do zobaczenia!

poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2016

Coding Dojo #12 - April 20, 2016

April dojo is coming!

As we promised last time, next dojo will be organized on second Wednesday of every month. Hope to see you again :)

What is a Coding Dojo?
tl;dr: We invite you to come and learn Python by coding with us!
Register at

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together ondeliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, PairProgramming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologiestogether with other people.
It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.
All skill levels are welcome.
In the very first minutes we will give a brief introductionexplaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.
Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one moredistraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...
Important things to keep in mind: Continuous learning, Safe environment, No competition, Collaboration, Inclusive, Failure and redundancy, Baby steps
Objectives: Practice, Learn, Teach, Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)
What NOT to do: Rush to finish the problem, Work on somebody’s "real life" problem, Flamewars, Compete with other participants, Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the  code base
At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectivelywhat we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And afterthat, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.
Printbox ( kindly offers us their office space for avenue and provides snacks.
Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photoproduct business. 
Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a completepackage containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding,beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF filegenerator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored toaccommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

środa, 2 marca 2016

Coding Dojo #11 - March 9, 2016

February dojo is coming!

As we promised last time, next dojo will be organized on second Wednesday of every month. Hope to see you again :)

What is a Coding Dojo?
tl;dr: We invite you to come and learn Python by coding with us!
Register at

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together ondeliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, PairProgramming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologiestogether with other people.
It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.
All skill levels are welcome.
In the very first minutes we will give a brief introductionexplaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.
Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one moredistraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...
Important things to keep in mind: Continuous learning, Safe environment, No competition, Collaboration, Inclusive, Failure and redundancy, Baby steps
Objectives: Practice, Learn, Teach, Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)
What NOT to do: Rush to finish the problem, Work on somebody’s "real life" problem, Flamewars, Compete with other participants, Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the  code base
At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectivelywhat we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And afterthat, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.
Printbox ( kindly offers us their office space for avenue and provides snacks.
Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photoproduct business. 
Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a completepackage containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding,beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF filegenerator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored toaccommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

poniedziałek, 22 lutego 2016

Pykonik Open Space #1 - 25 lutego 2016


Otwieramy nowy cykl spotkań pod tytułem "Open Space".
Przed nami odcinek pilotażowy już w najbliższy czwartek. Sprawdźmy czy taka forma się przyjmie.

Co to jest "Open Space"?
Jest to metoda angażowania grup ludzi do wspólnej wymiany myśli, wiedzy, doświadczeń i pomysłów. Polega to na tym, że każdy może zaproponować temat i otworzyć dyskusję, a pozostali uczestnicy dołączają do tematu, który ich najbardziej interesuje.

Startujemy o 18:30. Na początek wprowadzenie, kwestie organizacyjne i czas na zapisanie tematów do dyskusji, następnie 2 lub 3 półgodzinne sesje.

Daj znać czy się wybierasz na meetupie: :)

Do zobaczenia!

poniedziałek, 1 lutego 2016

Coding Dojo #10 - February 10, 2016

February dojo is coming!

As we promised last time, next dojo will be organized on second Wednesday of every month. Hope to see you again :)

What is a Coding Dojo?
tl;dr: We invite you to come and learn Python by coding with us!
Register at

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together ondeliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, PairProgramming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologiestogether with other people.
It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.
All skill levels are welcome.
In the very first minutes we will give a brief introductionexplaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.
Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one moredistraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...
Important things to keep in mind: Continuous learning, Safe environment, No competition, Collaboration, Inclusive, Failure and redundancy, Baby steps
Objectives: Practice, Learn, Teach, Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)
What NOT to do: Rush to finish the problem, Work on somebody’s "real life" problem, Flamewars, Compete with other participants, Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the  code base
At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectivelywhat we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And afterthat, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.
Printbox ( kindly offers us their office space for avenue and provides snacks.
Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photoproduct business. 
Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a completepackage containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding,beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF filegenerator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored toaccommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.

czwartek, 7 stycznia 2016

Coding Dojo #9 - January 13, 2016

Coding Dojo is back!

We are back with coding dojo sessions after about half year break. It's going to be organized every second Wednesday of month.

What is a Coding Dojo?
tl;dr: We invite you to come and learn Python by coding with us!
Register at

A Coding Dojo is a place / meeting for programmers to engage together ondeliberate practice of their craft. Expect to do Test Driven Development, PairProgramming and other practices well known from Agile development methodologiestogether with other people.
It’s meant to be fun and to help everyone improve their coding skills.
All skill levels are welcome.
In the very first minutes we will give a brief introductionexplaining how the process work, with very few rules, and then we start coding.
Do not bring your computer, you don’t need it, and it would be just one moredistraction in the era of smartphones and everyone always connected...
Important things to keep in mind: Continuous learning, Safe environment, No competition, Collaboration, Inclusive, Failure and redundancy, Baby steps
Objectives: Practice, Learn, Teach, Discuss based on actual code (avoid abstract conversations)
What NOT to do: Rush to finish the problem, Work on somebody’s "real life" problem, Flamewars, Compete with other participants, Have anyone in the session lost in understanding the current state of the  code base
At the end of the session we conduct a retrospective to understand collectivelywhat we’ve learned, what did we like, what could be better, etc. And afterthat, it’s common to spend more time together and socialize.
Printbox ( kindly offers us their office space for avenue and provides snacks.
Printbox is the simplest and the most effective way to run your own photoproduct business. 
Printbox allows you to sell customizable photo products. It is a completepackage containing ready-to-go eCommerce on your domain with your branding,beautiful editor filled with photo product templates and high quality PDF filegenerator. Each component is focused on conversion and has been tailored toaccommodate specific needs for small and enterprise businesses.